Oct 25, 2009

Jason and I made Dan and Kristy happy yesterday!!!

Yesterday we took Tina, Dirk and the boys back to Dallas to fly home. After dropping them off at the airport we needed to get something to eat.  As Krisy also was in Dallas we thought it would be fun to go and eat dinner together. Her and I texted back and forth while we, Jason, Dan and I, looked for a place to eat. Jason checked his GPS on the phone and found a Greek place, when we got there it was no where to be found. I called Kristy and told her we'd be looking at another place. Well, we found a Philly Steak Sandwich place and decided to go there as it was right around the corner...yes, it was a yellow shack with tables outside...we almost didn't stop, but Jason was insistent. We called Kristy and gave her direction. She followed them (we had to call her again as I gave her wrong info), and finally made it...we had warned her that it was just a shack, but she wanted to join us anyways. Well, when she saw on the sign that there were Tastykakes she was very happy. We all ordered and Dan was torn between which Tastykakes to buy...I made his decision easy and told him to get one of each (hey, I don't like them and won't eat them!). He also got Birchbeeer to drink and then he bought 'Scrapple' which is some kind of lunch meat he doesn't particular like, but got anyways! Yes, the sandwich wasn't bad and Dan and Kristy really thought they liked it very much and it was comparable to the real thing they said. So I wanted to post our adventure and here is the link to the homepage. http://www.billadelphias.com/

Oct 1, 2009

Rhowdie at work again!

This time Rhowdie monster thought he ought to have a go at a Possum! Well, Dan got both dogs in (how he always figures out something happened I don't know!), then he went out to take care of it. IT was still breathing. So Dan came back inside and turned the lights off. He went out looking for the Possum again a while later and it was gone. We left the dogs out and they were quiet. When I went to bed I called them in. Rhowdie, who usually is first at the door and in, wasn't coming and running around behind the pool. Jaeger, who always needs his special invite, was sitting on top of the picnic table and looking into the tree behind the pool (I didn't know he was looking into the tree though, just thought the wind kept riling him up!), you know where I am going with this story, right?! Anyways, Rhowdie did come in, but Jaeger was not inclined to come. So I left him and told Dan. Dan went out there and found the Possum in the tree! Yep, he wasn't smart enough to leave the premises! I sure hope that thing is gone today or Rhowdie will get it! So you can see the Rottweiler sits on the picnic table (picture the elephant who is afraid of the mouse), and Rhowdie defends the yard! Go Rhowdie!!!
Dieses mal hat das Rhowdie Monster es mit einem Opposum aufenommen! Dan hat die Hunde reingelassen (wie er das immer weiss, habe ich keine Ahnung!), dann ist er rausgegangen und wollte das Tier entfernen. Aber das Tier hat immer noch geatmet. Also kam Dan wieder rein und hat das Licht ausgemacht. Spaeter ist er wieder rausgegangen um zu sehen ob es weg war und er konnte es nicht mehr finden. Also haben wir die Hunde wieder rausgelassen und sie haben nicht gebellt. Aber als ich dann ins Bett bin wollte ich sie reinlassen, Rhowdie, wo immer der Erste ist, kam nicht rein sondern rannte hinter dem Pool rum!) dann kam er endlich. Jaeger, der immer eine extra Einladung braucht, sass auf dem picknick Tisch und hat immer in den Baum hinter dem pool geschaut, (aber das wusste ich nicht, dacht es war der Wind in den Baeumen). also habe ich ihn draussen gelassen und Dan bescheid gesagt. Er hat dann den Opposum im Baum gefunden. Der war nicht schlau genug unser Grundstueck zu verlassen. Also jetzt seht ihr mal, der Rottweiler sitzt auf dem Tisch (denke Elefant und Maus) und der Husky verteitigt unser Grund und Boden! Go Rhowdie!!!