Sep 28, 2011

Question #1 answered!

The question on Callapidder Days was:
How much do book reviews influence your decision to acquire and/or read a book?
And my answer is:

If a friend or family member recommends a book I'll read it. I don't always like the book but hey, if my friends like it I ought to know what they are talking about. i have only once not liked a book a friend suggested to the point where I didn't finish it. Otherwise I just finish the book 'cause maybe it'll take a turn...
I also listen to authors talk sometimes and if they talk about a book I am inclined to just see if it is good (as I am doing with 'Rose's and '39 Steps' which are on my list), I also will read a book before I see the movie (just read 'The Help' so I can go and see the movie, or, as with 'Pillars of the Earth' I watched the show and then got the book and the sequel to read. They also were recommended by my sister after I talked to her about the show.
I like that you are asking questions and we have to find something to write about ourselves. There are some interesting view points on here!

Sep 25, 2011

Updated!!! Fall Into Reading 2011

Well, I will try and do this list...and these are the only books for now I can think of. I hope no one will mind if I update this list later! 
I am going to jump into the Fall Into Reading 2011 challenge, sponsored by Katrina at Callapidder Days.  Create your list of books and sign up here.  And I heard there are giveaways!

My friend has been doing this for a while and I think it might be time to join her in this. :-)
Let's see who else is going to join us in this endeavor.

And here is my list:

 READ! Roses by Leila Meacham (I do recommend this book! Loved it and couldn't put it down! Read it in one week!) 
Full of Love by Nancy O'Dell
Tangled by Carolyn Mackler
The 39 Steps by John Buchan
Reclaiming Lily by Patty Lace
READ! all these things i've done (chocolate is contraband; caffeine is illegal; the city is riddled with crime;) I just had to read this book by Gabrielle Zevin when it arrived at the library. I love chocolate and I had to take it home. I'll be offering it to our High School students, or I'll just put it on display and see how long it takes to be checked that would be interesting to see! LOL!

Sep 22, 2011

Well, I think I will just post some more pictures up on my post about what I have  been doing lately...

Left side of the book taken today for their 10 month birthday.

And the right side of the book, also taken today...I think, for Oma's birthday tomorrow.

I just took all the pictures and made pages for their books.

And here it goes...

...Mama, Zum Geburtstag die besten Wuensche von den Bush's in Texas!