Jul 31, 2008

Jul 29, 2008

Jaeger and Bubbles

Last pictures of Lion & Rick in Texas

Lion made Blueberry muffins and wanted to lick the bowl...
...well, Rick was right there helping him!
Rick and Dan playing "Bob der Baumeister"!
Rick and I were blowing bubbles at Jaeger and Rhowdie...wait for the movie!

On the way to Dallas...
...Rick with Wuffi...
...and Lion with Oma and Wuffi!

Jul 24, 2008

More of the weekend!

Look who's asleep...that kid can sleep anywhere!
Feeding the Dolphins

Lion at the Aquarium in San Antonio's Sea World
Picnic on the way to South Texas
The Kids love palying in the mud!
Hmmm...now why is she burying him?
Jason and Tiffany
Dan and Kirsten
Lion and Rick
Recognize these Pirates?
Captain of the Ship/Drinks!
The Schumann's on the boat!
Company for Coffee and Cake
Pasta and Hot Dogs

A few more pictures for you to look at :-)

Jul 17, 2008

Sunday - Wednesday update!

So, who is Wii-Fit...not below!!!

Now, we are all fit...in the pool!
And this kid has no fear...except he doesn't like water in his eyes!
And he can play Wii too...as long as it is a racing car!

Tina and the guys on her birthday!

Swimming on Wednesday
Hard at work :-)

Sunday afternoon the brother, his wife and two kids came. Here is what we have been able to take pictures of. What we don't have on camera is Tina's birthday (we went shopping all afternoon, after dinner we, her and I, went out for a drink) we left the guys at home...all four of them! And we have been doing this kind of stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday also, besides swimming :-)