Oct 31, 2007

More Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday, Daniel & Ronny!!!
Yep, my nephews have a birthday today.
I won't post any of their pictures as it is Halloween and you might scare seeing them two :-)
Also, Happy Birthday to Kreth!!! (oh, he needs many exclamation marks, but three will do!)
Maybe I will dig up some pictures later today and post them...would have to dig deep.

Oct 30, 2007

Neues fuer meine Mama :-)

Jetzt darfst du aber nicht mehr meckern :-) Habe Dir heute endlich mal wieder ein paar bilder gemacht...und dafuer geschimpft bekommen. Auch einen kleinen Film habe ich fuer Dich...schau' ihn dir mal an.

Patsy mit ihrem gestickten...musst du mal richtig sehen, ganz klasse!
Donna faengt gerade ein neues an...und musste wieder aufmachen weil sie den Stoff falsch hatte.
Margarete macht ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fuer ihren sohn. Das darf er aber nicht wissen :-)

Oct 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Clayton!

Thought my sister would at least update her blog today to wish her husband a Happy Birthday, but that didn't happen yet, so I guess it's up to me!

"Wah! another year older!"
At one month old he already knew, getting older is no fun!

Here he is after living with Sandra for a couple of years...Yes, you were in for a surprise :-)
Thanks for taking care of her :-) She needs a lot of TLC!

Oct 20, 2007

Friday Evening

Dan and I actually had a date night...yep, we went out, got dressed up and everything...of course it was free and I got the tickets for the concert...poor Dan :-)
We went to see the United States Air Force Band of the West at McMurry University. It was a good program and we enjoyed an evening out. I even cooked us a good meal (leftovers heated up in the mircowave :-))As I said before, poor Dan ;-)
The first half of the show was Jazz and Blues, and the second half rocked with music from the 40's, tunes I even knew such as:

Cherry Pink
Route 66
and they closed with
In the Mood
Sorry, there are no pictures.
Now we are off to the Gun Show...what a switch! Sandra will love it!

Might post some pictures later today...:-)

Well, it's later and...

...here are the pictures!

Meet Mr. Walther :-)

Check it out! (Walther site)

You want to join the NRA? (NRA site)
It seems I have to much time on my hand...what is with cross stitching you might ask? Well, after I have shot Mr. Walther I'll get back to it. I do have to spend some time with Dan somewhere and the range gives us fresh air and is healthy...better then sitting and stitching and watching nothing on TV.

Oct 14, 2007

Braggin' on myself...again :-) (Ich gebe mal wieder an!)

Took the Ruger out today! Someone has to try it out. Jason paid for it, but we have the fun. He is not here! That's what happens when you move so far away :-) We are having fun!

Dan is shooting. And then I am shooting!

4 out of 6!
At 25 feet!!!!!
The first bulls-eye was with double action!
Aaaah, we had fun :-)

And we have some video. First up is Dan.

And we have me also :-)

Oct 10, 2007

Tuesday Night Special :-)

So, after work Dan asked me if I wanted to go to Abilene's Indoor Range...well, of course I wanted too!
So off we went and you can see the results of our test shooting below :-)



Both: (outline but not picture of real person)

The ones above the shoulder are mine :-)
Some of the nether regions are mine also!

It was test shooting a gun we might get:

Sig P229 40

Oct 7, 2007

Jaeger and his new exercise!

Jason got Jaeger something do exercise so Dan and I don't have to overdue ourselves! Check out the video and you see what Dan is doing with that poor dog now...well, Sandra has been doing it with Cinnamon for a long time already. I didn't know dogs would go for it also. Guess this is what Jason is doing with Rhowdie and Maggie also. Anything so the humans have no more need to make a fool of themselves when they tire out before the animal does!

Well, what a week!

Mama, hole dir erst eine Tasse Kaffee...und bring Zeit mit :-)

So, I have been working at our Book Fair all week long. Had all 900 or so students come in between 7:45 a.m. and 4 p.m. and kept it open till 6 p.m. for the parents who wanted to come and shop after they worked! We even got snacks for them and they had a good time. Kristy and I are so tired, but that didn't keep us from walking three miles for the Heart Associations Heartwalk on Saturday morning at 8 a.m.! There were so many people there and I had Jaeger with me, Kristy brought May Bee. Those dogs had a good walkout, as we walked the 3 miles in 30 min. or so.
As it also was McMurry's Homecoming weekend, Tiffany came up on Thursday afternoon to see some of her friends. Jason had to work and used that excuse to stay in Round Rock and watch the other two dogs, Maggie & Rhowdie.
Tiffany came to work on Friday morning to say hi to me, then she was off again visiting with her friends. We had dinner together, Dan was nice to grill Bratwurst, and then Tiffany took me to the Homecoming Musical "Beauty and the Beast". That was such a nice treat and a good show! Sorry if you missed it (Dan and Jason)!
Afterward we stayed for the Coronation of the Chief and the Princess, which I hadn't seen before, or did and forgot :-) and then we went to the Bonfire!
When we got home Dan was still awake (was he wondering and worrying about his two 'girls'?!) and we kept talking for a while longer. It is funny how the time goes so fast when you are having fun! As Tiffany was leaving early in the morning we finally did make it to bed at 1 a.m.!
But in all this fun stuff we did take out time to play with the dog as you can see in the pictures below.

Tiffany makes Jaeger 'Talk"!
The both of us...Dan always takes pictures like that...you have to click faster!
Who gives up first?...Hint...it's not the four-legged monster!
Everyone gets to try to wear him out...doesn't work!
Someone is still going strong!
Oh, yeah, after the walk yesterday morning I went to scrapbooking from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dan brought me and picked me up, so he could take the dog to the "Bark in the Park". I got quite a few pages of the wedding album done...but it is a long time to sit and work when you are tired.
But after coming home I sat infront of the TV and watched an interesting German movie, even Dan joined in...now we have to make sure we find out when the second part comes. Dan had to make supper for once, left-overs...how hard can that be (it was nice of him to not make me get up and work anymore) and by 9 p.m. I was in bed reading for a few minutes...didn't get up till after 7 a.m. this morning...I was tired or I would have been awake by 6!!! Can't believe I slept that long. Of course Dan is still in bed...he needs his beauty sleep :-)
So, Mama, ich hoffe du hast jetzt genug zu lesen gehabt. Hoffentlich hast du dir eine Tasse Kaffee mit an den Computer gebracht, oder hat Papa dich verwoehnt und eine gemacht und gebracht?! Ich hoffe doch, oder?
Und siehst du, ich schreibe wenigstens ab und zu mal was hier drauf, und Sandra, wo das alles angefangen hat, und in der Grossstadt Boston lebt, hat nichts zu schreiben! Sandra, kommst doch besser wieder nach Texas, da ist doch mehr los :-)

Oct 2, 2007

Family Update...Dan is taking pictures now!

Well, if my mom complains that she can't read her morning lecture, I better put something on here and make her happy :-)So, while Dan is taking pictures of the spiders he finds around the house, okay, not in the house, but outside,...

...and plays around with his birthday present from Jason and Tiffany,....

...I am hard at work again at the library. Last Thursday we set up the book fair and had teacher preview day on Friday. For that we provide snacks for our teachers to lure them in.
Actually we work at the greatest place in town and have teachers who just love to come in and shop for books.
But food has never hurt our preview :-)
And this week we are busy with the students from 7:45 a.m. till 4 p.m. and even 6 p.m. on Thursday evening for all the parents who would love to attend, but can't during the day.
Next update will have more pictures from the fair, and whatever else I'm going to do this week!