Oct 7, 2007

Jaeger and his new exercise!

Jason got Jaeger something do exercise so Dan and I don't have to overdue ourselves! Check out the video and you see what Dan is doing with that poor dog now...well, Sandra has been doing it with Cinnamon for a long time already. I didn't know dogs would go for it also. Guess this is what Jason is doing with Rhowdie and Maggie also. Anything so the humans have no more need to make a fool of themselves when they tire out before the animal does!

1 comment:

  1. That's my pup! :)
    (Maggie and Rhowdie couldn't care less about the laser...)

    Taz (the Rottweiler from work) loves the laser just as much as Jaeger. So, I was hoping you guys could use it (looks like you can!!!!).
