Oct 20, 2007

Friday Evening

Dan and I actually had a date night...yep, we went out, got dressed up and everything...of course it was free and I got the tickets for the concert...poor Dan :-)
We went to see the United States Air Force Band of the West at McMurry University. It was a good program and we enjoyed an evening out. I even cooked us a good meal (leftovers heated up in the mircowave :-))As I said before, poor Dan ;-)
The first half of the show was Jazz and Blues, and the second half rocked with music from the 40's, tunes I even knew such as:

Cherry Pink
Route 66
and they closed with
In the Mood
Sorry, there are no pictures.
Now we are off to the Gun Show...what a switch! Sandra will love it!

Might post some pictures later today...:-)

Well, it's later and...

...here are the pictures!

Meet Mr. Walther :-)

Check it out! (Walther site)

You want to join the NRA? (NRA site)
It seems I have to much time on my hand...what is with cross stitching you might ask? Well, after I have shot Mr. Walther I'll get back to it. I do have to spend some time with Dan somewhere and the range gives us fresh air and is healthy...better then sitting and stitching and watching nothing on TV.

1 comment:

  1. *whistles*

    OooooOOOOOoo... first edition. :P

    Tiffany is looking at the P99 from Walther. She'll have to try out your PPS. :)
