Jul 17, 2008

Sunday - Wednesday update!

So, who is Wii-Fit...not below!!!

Now, we are all fit...in the pool!
And this kid has no fear...except he doesn't like water in his eyes!
And he can play Wii too...as long as it is a racing car!

Tina and the guys on her birthday!

Swimming on Wednesday
Hard at work :-)

Sunday afternoon the brother, his wife and two kids came. Here is what we have been able to take pictures of. What we don't have on camera is Tina's birthday (we went shopping all afternoon, after dinner we, her and I, went out for a drink) we left the guys at home...all four of them! And we have been doing this kind of stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday also, besides swimming :-)


  1. Na wie habt ihr das geschafft dass Dirk mal grinst auf eiem Bild.
    Unser Wetter ist zur Zeit nicht nach Schwimmbad.Kuehl und regnerich.Sunny ist so weit ok.

  2. Left the 4 guys, but did you take the 2 fuzzy boys? :)

    Jaeger drinks, I know... stole my beer once, and almost ran me over for 151... Rhowdie I'm not sure about. :)
