May 8, 2007

Wordless Wednesday 5-7


  1. Sandra started it. If I had knowen she wanted pictures like those, I could have send her these! Don't get me started sister! You wanted to be first, now put up with mine.

    These were taken on March 21st, at 4:15 A.M.!!! And Dan, who can't see blood, took the pictures. When I gave one to the doctor later on he said those were the first color pics he had seen from one of his birthings :-0

    Now Jason will kill me, oh, well, two down, how many more to go? Kristy, you started it all!

  2. Speachless .... semi grossed-out .... definitally laughing ... and love the blaming game! Almost afraid to open Kristy's blog tomorrow. Please noone top this picture. It might make me change my mind ;)

  3. This is so hilarious! I LOVE blogging. And sisters and baby pictures, no matter how scary.

    Go, Web 2.0...
