Jun 3, 2007

A Day in the Back Yard!

Oh, what's he doing now? Might there be a snack hidden in the shoes?
One never knows, could be cheese??? Please let it be cheese!

Oh, well, I'll just hang out then. Nothing going on anyways...except those birds are making a raked and I can't sleep. What is going on over there? And now what is going on over there?

Hmmm....maybe there is something important, like snacks? Maybe something to eat?

As you can see, our life now resolves around the dog. He is nothing but an over sized lapdog! When I'm in the lounger trying to read my book, I have to pet him the whole time or be sloppered up by Jaeger! So, as long as he is having a hand stroking him he is fine, but just don't let off or he'll jump up and lick you...what a dog!

1 comment:

  1. I *love* the dog pics! Anyone who comes over your fence and sees the enormous pony on the picnic table is going have a Code Brown moment.

