Aug 26, 2007
What a life!
Aug 22, 2007
Aug 20, 2007
Bad weather update & back to work
It was mostly on the north side and didn't effect us. Some of the creeks just couldn't handle all the run off and overflowed.
We thought we were going to get hit by Hurricane Dean also, but that thread seems to be going to the south. Hopefully it will diminish more by the time it hits Mexico.
For today it's back to work for me...well, did have my first day back on Friday, but this week is full work week, the kiddos will be back for more learning next Monday! We'll be prepared :-)
Aug 18, 2007
Had a "night out" with the girls...(UPDATED)
This time it was "Becoming Jane" a movie everyone ought to see. It was pretty good, you just have to understand British English! So, I'll watch it again with subtitles so I can get it all. The movie was supposed to start at 6:15 pm, someone finally went and asked to have it started, don't know what time that was at, and we enjoyed a good while watching, until the screen went black and the lights kind of came on and we only "heard" the movie. Someone went and asked to have it back on and they did, but started at that spot (we had still missed a few minutes) so, complain again! They went and rewound (however they do that when they show a "DLP") and we got to see the 'blacked out' scene plus the next 15 minutes again! Oh, I should say that we watched commercials before the movie, and like TV commercials we got to see some obnoxious commercial twice! Anyways, by the time we left the theater it was after 9 pm and raining in sheets!!! (the actual movie was 2 hrs.)
Now Abilene streets were flooded! I decided to take the Loop home to get away from all the cars and wouldn't have to drive through the ditch at the beginning of my street (wouldn't have been able to drive through two feet of water anyways). On the side of the road where we have ditches to allow the water to run off, we had rivers running! I made it to the back side of my development and was in for a surprise as that road was flooding also. One car was stalled out in the middle which forced me to drive to the side. I went in to the other street and to my surprise that one also was flooded, so bad you couldn't see where the curb was if there wouldn't be mailboxes! Whew, was I happy to turn into my street which is raised up and I didn't have to drive in water anymore. Luckily I drive my Suburban and don't have to worry to much, not like Dan's little sports car. I am surprised he made it home at 4:15 yesterday, as the street he drove on was flooded already also and was closed last night, as were many other streets. And has it stopped raining yet, no, of course not.
I did hear on the news that the ditch on my road was 3 feet deep with a rushing river. Wonder if anyone was going to drive through that one...they wouldn't make it, believe me. So I made it home fine and am waiting to see what Hurricane Dean will bring us next week....more of the same? this one was only the remnant of Tropical Storm Erin and Dean is following her path. We'll see!
Here is what FoxNews has to say about the storm:
Rain continued over much of Texas on Friday and thunderstorms were still in the forecast for Saturday. A police dispatcher in the West Texas town of Abilene said they had had about 50 calls for water rescues as rains fell Friday night, but added that there were no injuries. She also had received some reports of roofs damaged by the rain.
Summer storms have poured record rainfall across Texas and parts of Oklahoma and Kansas, with floods killing 22 people since mid-June. One July storm dropped 17 inches of rain in 24 hours and brought Texas out of a more than decade-long drought.
And if you like you can see a clip of thunder and lightning at:
To view picture of Abilene's flood so far, check this site:
and as some neighborhoods are now mandatory ecvacuated because of rising waters and flooding (it hasn't rained since yesterday morning) there will be more pictures tomorrow. I feel sorry for the people who have to get out of their houses. Note to myself: If we ever move and buy a new house make sure it is on a high point and no rivers/creeks too close by!
Aug 16, 2007
Last official day of summer break!
While watching the movie look for Peter O'Toole! And Robert DeNiro also plays a part in this movie.
Future movies based on books:
The Golden Compass (Dec. 7, 2007,
and Spiderwick Chronicles (Feb. 29, 2008)
Aug 15, 2007
Aug 8, 2007
Aug 3, 2007
Die große Bibliothek der Hethiter
As Kristy is having a great time finding Library youtube clips, I thought I'd find a German one and add it to my blog. So, check out Kristy's and mine! Hers is funny though :-)
I am glad I am not working in this library though...will love my Madison one so much more now!