Aug 1, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Jason and Ronny, one of a kind. Both like Simpsons and went around the 7/11 stores looking for 'stuff'! Tiffany and Johanna had to go along...hmmm, maybe they like it also?!

  2. So how did Jason & Tiffany like the Simpsons movie? Have they seen it yet, or are they too busy playing backgammon?

  3. PHHHHHH. H A H A H A. If I had had a drink in my mouth, it would've come out my nose .. ... THEY WILL N E V E R LIVE THIS DOWN!! I will be telling their children and grandchildren about this (when they are off age). Let's see how long Jason can take the joke. Good one, m4b!!!!!

  4. Never underestimate the power of StripBackgammon, especially when someone is playing for the first time, no?
    "Anonymous??" :P
