Jun 11, 2009


Coming home from work I found a dog in the neighbors yard and was wondering, for a second, whose dog it might was. I really didn't finish the thought as I realized it was one of mine!!!

The Husky broke out!!!

As I stopped the car and opened the door he wagged his tail and came right over. He just loved to see me. I put him back in the yard where we were greeted by the Rottweiler who is way too big to fit through this hole!

I put a big tire in front of the hole so he couldn't escape again.

I went inside, ate lunch, worked on the computer, when it started to rain, so I opened the backdoor and no dog...calling the dogs Jaeger came running, Rhowdie was no where to be found. Checked the hole, yep, he moved the tire!!! Now it's starting to rain harder. Get my shoes, keys, wallet, cell phone, jump in the car, call Dan to come help searching, and start driving. go around the first corner and there is Rhowdie, wagging his tail, giving me a big smile and is so happy that his ride has shown up. He comes running as soon as I stop the car, no chasing him down for me. I just opened the back door and he jumps in and I take him home and scold Jaeger for not watching over his brother.

Well that was my excitement for yesterday...we'll see what kind of storms are brewing today. Dan just has to come home when there is thunder far off and let the dogs in...or Rhowdie might just find anohter way out.

Oh, yeah, we think he chewed the wood on the fence to get out. He doesn't have hands and there is lots of fur all around the opening where he wiggled out. Must not hurt that bad that he did it again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got your baby back! Went to the pound again today after the movie...still no Ben.

    P.S. Thanks for being my partner in crime today. LOVED the movie...couldn't see that one with anybody but you!
