Mar 30, 2008

More of Rhowdie

Not necessarily Rhowdies idea of fun!
In the back yard waiting for the next lizzard or squirrel!

The fishies are hiding :-)
A movie of Rhowdie walking the blank :-)

Rhowdie is a little agile acrobat :-)

And here he is again, movie without movement!

Mar 28, 2008

You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.

Mar 24, 2008

Jason's birthday presents & dinner!

So, here is Jason unpacking a couple of CDs and a few books.
Tiffany's package arrived on Satuday and Jason got to unpack again.
Yes, we took Jason out to eat and invited Kristy along also, I need not be the only female all the time!
Went to the Beehive here in Abilene. Jason got the "steak" and we got the "Chicken Fried Steak".
I finally got to snap an okay picture of Dan, the other two you might get to see on Wordless Wednesday, so you know you have to come back :-)
At least Kristy shows her plate, oh, it was soooooo gooood, really! And next time we take my parents :-)
Click here to check out the Beehive!
And as Jaeger is still on 'Kennel Rest' he needs all the loving he can get. We do try and take him out, but he just doesn't want to be on the leash all the time.

But we have let him go into the back yard for a bit and he goes crazy! We try to tell him not to run, but how can you tell a dog that. So, for now we just have to watch him and don't let Rhowdie go wild with him either. Actually Jaeger was trying to play with Rhowdie with his string bone today, but Rhowdie just didn't get the hint, and it didn't take long and they started to jump around again, but we had to stop them.
The next time they are together I will have to try to take a short video.

Mar 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

Yes, it's Jason's birthday! 26 years ago life was a little easier, and I was able to rest at the hospital :-) (Now I have to make breakfast) Just about at this time my friend came by with a big dish of ice cream, as I wasn't allowed sweets for the last 3 month of pregnancy! It was a Sunday, just in case you were wondering.
Happy Birthday Jason!

Mar 18, 2008


As we had a night of thunderstorms and tornado warnings (don't ask me anything, I choose to just sleep through all of that), Rhowdie didn't want to stay by himself! He jumps the 'babygate' and goes on an adventure through the house. Usually he comes to our bedroom to see if we are still asleep or even there and scares the wits out of Dan (as I stated before, I sleep). Well, seems last night he decided to take his adventures back into the kitchen, as he has done before, and check out the sink! After all, he has found a lit in there before that was just yummy to lick. Well, last night he found a tupperware bowl left over from dinner, and he got it out of the sink. (Dan and Jason heard the bowl hit the ground and got to clean it up, as I am asleep and don't wake up, I guess I keep repeating myself here :-)). He also found my loaf of 9-grain harvest bread and ate that one too! That dog is a 'Nimmersat!', which means he is never satisfied and wants more and more food. Poor dog, we ought to feed him more...never ending story!

Well, there are more storms on the horizon and it will be another day of fun.

What I did on St. Patrick's Day?

Went with my friend to Archer City :-)
There are book stores there!
Go figure!!!
More pictures will come later, and I'll make a link to Kristy's, if she allows me so! You'll just have to come back for more... :-)

Kristy with all the books.
Me in the stacks.
Stacks and stacks of books, sideways in the window, can't read the titles very well :-)

Mar 15, 2008

A week in pictures :-)

Rhowdie, my surprise birthday party, chocolate covered strawberries, Mama's surprise visit, Jaeger, and eating fish.

You've been tagged!

Darn, I just had to log on to the blogs page and found Kristy's newest blog, now I just have to follow her instructions! So, here are Kristy's description of the rules and you can join me in accepting this challenge :-)

The Rules:

~Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
~Open the book to p. 123 and find the 5th sentence.
~Post the next 4 sentences.
~ Tag 5 people

As I slowly looked to the left of the computer and the right I was just very happy not to have found a book that wasn't appropriate! Yeah!!! Then I spotted books on the shelves and slowly started walking towards them thinking: "Great, those are from the library and ought to be save!" My eyes wandered to my right and there is another pile of books hidden under a Texas brochure (no, that one doesn't have 123 pages, bummer). The next book down had to be "The Blood of Flowers", yes, I am save, as I have read this book and have written about it on this blog before :-)

Sentences 6-9 on p. 123 are:

Why was there a veil of secrecy over this one?
"Daughter of my heart," said my mother when we met in our room that evening, "what have you been thinking?" There were dark circles under her eyes, and her feet were red again. The work in the kitchen had been very hard that day.

(Still no idea if this book is appropriate for our campus, but at least I've cracked open the cover!)

OK, now that you've read this, it is YOUR turn! :) Let's see what you come up with ..... leave a comment so I know you are accepting the tag challenge and I'll come read yours!! :)

Mar 9, 2008

Busy weekend!

Jason and Dan taking care of poor Jaeger who has to stay in his cage for another week at least, and then he can only have limited exercise...he is going crazy in there!
We were baking cookies for Tiffany, before we had breakfast on Sunday morning.

I am making breakfast for the guys, well, okay, I had some also :-)
Jason has new clothing...his early birthday present for the new job he starts tomorrow, it is hard to buy pants size 34/36!!! We can get 36/36, but nothing made for Jason's thin build and long legs...

Mar 8, 2008

Jason is visiting again.

So, it wouldn't have mattered what Jason was going to answer to my question I would have said the other name. Watch the video and you'll see, or hear!

Jason gets kisses, but not from Tiffany!:

And Rhowdie is not coming to short is a video Jason made of him :-)

And you want to see pictures also? Well, here are a few:
Love the dog, love Jason!
Rhowdie and MayBee!
After the walk!
Washing and Waxing
Full of Glow

Mar 7, 2008

Schnee im Maerz!

Gestern hat es wieder den ganzen Morgen ueber geschneit, aber bis ich von der Arbeit kam war alles wieder weg, und Dan hat keine Bilder gemacht :-(

Jaeger geht es ganz gut und er kann ganz schoen auf drei Beinen huepfen, aber er nimmt das vierte Bein auch manchmal zum ausruhen. Darf aber noch nicht drauf stehen oder laufen. Es wird ihm aber auch langweilig in seiner Huette, der arme Hund! Dieses Wochenende ist ja Jason hier und kann etwas mit ihm spielen, da kann sich Dan etwas ausruhen.

Dem Rhowdie ist es jetzt etwas langweilig da er immer alleine ist. Bin ja gespannt was er macht wenn Jaeger wieder raus darf.

Wenn ihr Bilder vom gestrigen Schnee sehen wollt muesst ihr hier klicken

Mar 5, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!

Poor Jaeger

We open the 'side door' for him now so he has it easier to go in and out. The meds do make him sleepy though and he sleeps a lot. He did whine one time last evening, he might have been asleep tough.

Jaeger beeing taken outside to relief himself. Poor puppy!

Mar 4, 2008

Jaeger Surgery

Shaved leg, after a short walk outside he got to rest for a while in the fresh air with Dan.
Just trying to rest and hope it ain't going to happen again!
Here's the scar.