Mar 18, 2008


As we had a night of thunderstorms and tornado warnings (don't ask me anything, I choose to just sleep through all of that), Rhowdie didn't want to stay by himself! He jumps the 'babygate' and goes on an adventure through the house. Usually he comes to our bedroom to see if we are still asleep or even there and scares the wits out of Dan (as I stated before, I sleep). Well, seems last night he decided to take his adventures back into the kitchen, as he has done before, and check out the sink! After all, he has found a lit in there before that was just yummy to lick. Well, last night he found a tupperware bowl left over from dinner, and he got it out of the sink. (Dan and Jason heard the bowl hit the ground and got to clean it up, as I am asleep and don't wake up, I guess I keep repeating myself here :-)). He also found my loaf of 9-grain harvest bread and ate that one too! That dog is a 'Nimmersat!', which means he is never satisfied and wants more and more food. Poor dog, we ought to feed him more...never ending story!

Well, there are more storms on the horizon and it will be another day of fun.

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