Mar 15, 2008

You've been tagged!

Darn, I just had to log on to the blogs page and found Kristy's newest blog, now I just have to follow her instructions! So, here are Kristy's description of the rules and you can join me in accepting this challenge :-)

The Rules:

~Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
~Open the book to p. 123 and find the 5th sentence.
~Post the next 4 sentences.
~ Tag 5 people

As I slowly looked to the left of the computer and the right I was just very happy not to have found a book that wasn't appropriate! Yeah!!! Then I spotted books on the shelves and slowly started walking towards them thinking: "Great, those are from the library and ought to be save!" My eyes wandered to my right and there is another pile of books hidden under a Texas brochure (no, that one doesn't have 123 pages, bummer). The next book down had to be "The Blood of Flowers", yes, I am save, as I have read this book and have written about it on this blog before :-)

Sentences 6-9 on p. 123 are:

Why was there a veil of secrecy over this one?
"Daughter of my heart," said my mother when we met in our room that evening, "what have you been thinking?" There were dark circles under her eyes, and her feet were red again. The work in the kitchen had been very hard that day.

(Still no idea if this book is appropriate for our campus, but at least I've cracked open the cover!)

OK, now that you've read this, it is YOUR turn! :) Let's see what you come up with ..... leave a comment so I know you are accepting the tag challenge and I'll come read yours!! :)


  1. Your book is WAY better than mine; this excerpt actually makes me want to borrow your book! (Mine was just awful, with a character named Uncle Jake burping and blowing his "burp air" sideways! Gross!)
