Oct 1, 2008

Six Random Things

I've been tagged by ~Heather at Misadventures of the Dynamic Uno who left a comment on my posting about Germany in slides!

Here's the rules for those I'm tagging. Check the list after my 6 THINGS to see if you're it then:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.

3. Write six random things about yourself.

4. Tag sixish people at the end of your post.

5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So, my random things about me...

1. I love to read, just about anything that comes across my hands. I didn't used too, but then my grandma got me a series of books I fell in love with and I haven't stopped reading. I used to have supscribtions to magazines, but I would have to read every story and every page, so I quit and only pick up books at work (oh, in case you don't know, I work in a library :-))!!!

2. My second intrest lies in cross stitching which I started back in N.C. in the 80's. Just small easy things, which have evolved into larger projects in the last 15 years!

3. And now I also like to scrapbook. Once I started that I redid all of Jason's albums and even made some for my 4 nephews and my god child. Now I am working on one from my mom's 70th birthday party last week. That will be done real quick though as it is only a small one.

4. It is hard for me to just start writing random things, but another thing about me is I like living in Texas! This is just a great place to live and we have enjoyed our last 18 years here.I don't miss having to put on all the heavy clothing and shuffle snow. Dan thought he wanted to move from Texas for a while. When I asked him where he wanted to move too, after a vacation up north, he decided it was better to stay in Texas. I love the sun, especially if I can jump into the pool, or stay inside with the air running.

5. I like dogs and rather have them then cats! I would like to have many more animals, but then I have to take care of them, and that I don't want to do! Dan did ask me once if I would like to have a horse, as I grew up with them. I told him if he would clean it, and the stable, I would love to, but if he was going to be gone all the time with his job, then rather not! I just don't like to clean up the mess...go figure!

6. Vacation, I love vacation. Would love to go around the world. There are still a few places I would like to visit, China, India, Australia, maybe even Greenland. But maybe I at least will get to the Bahamas next year. Planning a cruise for my 50th birthday present. Yes, I am giving it to myself. Actually I will pick and Dan will pay :-) Best of both worlds :-)

Hey, I made it, all 6 random things about me and my life...don't ask how long it took! But now I am done and I'll be tagging some other people now. Lets see who is going to follow suit here! You don't have to do it, but I am looking forward to see you follow these rules! And don't forget to watch the Vice Presidential debate tomorrow evening!

Tag you're it!

Jason & Tiffany



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