Dec 24, 2009
Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!
Woke up to snow this morning. It'll be around 33 all day long! Yeah! A white least today. Tomorrow they predict it in the 30s but clear and sun...we'll see!
Heute frueh hatten wir Schnee! Es soll den ganzen Tag ueber um die 0 grad sein! Hurrah! Ein weisses Weihnachtsfest...wenigstens heute. Fuer Morgen ist Sonne angesagt und klares Wetter...Wir werden's sehen!
Newest Weatherreport:
Rest of Today
Periods of snow. Areas of blowing snow. Windy. Much colder. New snow accumulation of 1 to 2 inches. Total snow accumulation 4 to 6 inches. Near steady temperature in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Chance of precipitation 90 percent.
And more from the Abilene Reporter News at 5 pm (Dec. 24, 2009)
Snowy weather brought a beautiful white blanket of snow to Abilene and counties across the Big Country Thursday, but that winter storm also made for hazardous driving.
If you have never heard the word “blizzard” when referring to snowfall in the Big Country, that is because it has never happened. But it has now.
High winds and blowing snow Thursday prompted the National Weather Service to issue a “blizzard warning” for West Central Texas —the first blizzard warning issued for this area since the NWS office in San Angelo opened in 1947.
A blizzard warning is issued when blowing or falling snow is accompanied by sustained winds above 35 miles per hour, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile for three hours or more.
The blizzard warning was issued for Callahan, Haskell, Jones, Shackelford, and Throckmorton counties. A winter storm warning was issued for Taylor and other counties in the Big Country that weren’t included in the blizzard warning.
“The is the worst I’ve seen it in 20 years,” said Haskell Police Chief Steve Grand.
Temperatures will be below 20 degrees on Christmas morning but should inch up to 40 later in the day. Sunny skies also are expected.
Meteorologist Les Hiesler, who worked at the Abilene office of the NWS before it closed, said he did not recall a blizzard warning ever being issued from the office, which was opened from 1908 to 1995.
Abilene received between two and five inches of snow, while between seven and eight inches accumulated in the northern parts of the Big Country.
The winter storm system tracked east along Interstate 20 Thursday, bringing snow to all of the areas east of Abilene.
Snowy conditions turned to slush, then ice, making roadways hazardous for motorists. Accidents were reported all along I-20 from Mitchell County to Eastland County.
“All of the snow is along and north of I-20,” said Buddy McIntyre, a meteorologist with the NWS in San Angelo.
The blizzard conditions caused white-out conditions for drivers, and freezing temperatures are expected to keep the roads icy and very hazardous.
“The highway conditions are going to remain in pretty bad shape,” McIntyre said.
Another cold front will move through the area Sunday night, bringing temperatures back down to freezing. More wintry weather is likely on Monday and Tuesday, McIntyre said.
Snowfall across West Central Texas is a rare event, with snowfall in December even rarer. However, most rare of all may be a white Christmas.
Since 1914, Abilene has had only three measurable snowfalls and three trace snowfalls on Christmas Day. In other words, a white Christmas occurs on average about once every 14 years.
Dec 12, 2009
So, what did I do today?
This was supposed to be a workless day with just nothing at all to
Oh, have you realized we already had our Dan got a record player from me :-) Well, those pictures will follow when I put them on a nice background and on Creative'll just have to wait and see what else we, stay tuned to the Bush's blog!
- I started to record all of Dan's records to Computer (well, it will take longer then I though :-)) it will be a loooong project, but that is okay, it's his Christmas present and whenever I rather sit on the computer I just tell him I copy his records...of course I have to listen to his music...that is not always my piece of cake, but it's his Christmas...
- Then we decided to go shopping...for food...well, Walmart is way too full, so we turned around and went to Albertsons...yeah! As I needed a cake for tomorrow I was looking around for something when I remembered that Dan had bought a can of Blueberry Pie Filling...he was going to bake something weeks ago...and still hasn't. When I reminded him he was going to get a baked pie shell...well, that's good for filling with jell-o and whipcream...but fruit...aaagh!!! So I looked at a Blackberry Pie Filling can and found a recipe for a Coffee Cake, took a picture and emailed it home so I can copy it for the Blueberry it is!
- Well, the package of Jell-o in the back is clearer then my recipe, but I made the coffee cake...I'll take a picture of it later when I made the glaze (doesn't matter that I didn't have 1 1/2 cup of butter (only 1 1/4) and took less sugar...took 2 cups of flour, seemed to batter up okay :-)
- Before I made the cake though I cut onions and meat and am making Gulasch for lunch tomorrow, and for Monday's lunch...there is someone having a birthday and I'll get her lunch :-) Oh, surprise here!
- And then it was back to the computer recording more of I found my old Christmas records, so I am taking a break and record those, or at least one or two, while still cooking the Gulasch!
Oh, have you realized we already had our Dan got a record player from me :-) Well, those pictures will follow when I put them on a nice background and on Creative'll just have to wait and see what else we, stay tuned to the Bush's blog!
Dec 11, 2009
Uh somebody… A little help here please!!
Uh somebody… A little help here please!!
If the pic doesn't show up here you just have to click and follow the link! It is so precious...and no, it's not at my house, and not my dog either!
If the pic doesn't show up here you just have to click and follow the link! It is so precious...and no, it's not at my house, and not my dog either!
Dec 10, 2009
Playing with StoryBook Creator again!
Just wanted to see what I could do and this is what happened...took all the color out of the picture, except Rick!
And it didn't even take that long :-)
Now this picture looked really good before, but I am liking it better now!
Dec 8, 2009
And an update on the weather :-)
Yesterday it was cold...cold...cold...brrrr!
Today it got pretty warm :-) Predicted was 70, but that didn't happen. We had a high of 59 and a low of 30. No ice on the roads this morning, even though that was forcasted. It was cold this morning, but nothing compared to yesterday. Then it got pretty warm just to turn cold with gusty winds and dust storm. Now we are waiting for the arctic air that is supposed to come down. -17 in Wyoming, Lubbock 25, Our weather tonight is going to be 22 and tomorrow the high will be 39...or so they say :-) then it gets warm again! Yeah, Texas!!! Wouldn't want to live anywhere else :-)
Today it got pretty warm :-) Predicted was 70, but that didn't happen. We had a high of 59 and a low of 30. No ice on the roads this morning, even though that was forcasted. It was cold this morning, but nothing compared to yesterday. Then it got pretty warm just to turn cold with gusty winds and dust storm. Now we are waiting for the arctic air that is supposed to come down. -17 in Wyoming, Lubbock 25, Our weather tonight is going to be 22 and tomorrow the high will be 39...or so they say :-) then it gets warm again! Yeah, Texas!!! Wouldn't want to live anywhere else :-)
Yep, it was cold yesterday!
We had a temp of 28 almost all day long. Started to get warmer as the night was progressing. There was supposed to be ice this morning, but there isn't any, so we go to work as usual. The dogs meanwhile...
Nov 27, 2009
Nov 19, 2009
Ahhh...the dogs :-)
If we don't have anything else to write about, we'll write about the dogs...oh, it's only me writing on here :-)
Nov 15, 2009
Okay, I admit, I love to read blogs!
Yes, I do read blogs, I love blogs. I read other peoples blogs. I read blogs of people I don't know, just because it is fun. And I do follow some blogs just because they are fun to read. And I follow some authors blogs, not because I particullarly like what they write in their books, or how they write their books. No, just because! I don't know how I got to Danielle Steel's blog, but I do read and follow her blogs. She leads an interesting life. And yes, I have quite a few of her books in German. Don't think I ever read one in English though. Anyways, I follow her blog and today she has written a funny one I thought I ought to share with you, especially if you are a dog person. So, here is the link and if you follow my blog you might just want to peek into hers today!
Have fun reading it and let me know what you thought...if you want too!
Have fun reading it and let me know what you thought...if you want too!
Nov 12, 2009
My busy weekend!
Well, I am not posting that much anymore, so here is why...too many visitors in the land of Texas! But we are loving it, sometimes more, sometimes less :-)
Anyway, here is the weekend I just had and then I had to recover for two days (yep, I took two days off just before Thanksgiving and loved every minute of not doing much)!
Anyway, here is the weekend I just had and then I had to recover for two days (yep, I took two days off just before Thanksgiving and loved every minute of not doing much)!
Oct 25, 2009
Jason and I made Dan and Kristy happy yesterday!!!
Yesterday we took Tina, Dirk and the boys back to Dallas to fly home. After dropping them off at the airport we needed to get something to eat. As Krisy also was in Dallas we thought it would be fun to go and eat dinner together. Her and I texted back and forth while we, Jason, Dan and I, looked for a place to eat. Jason checked his GPS on the phone and found a Greek place, when we got there it was no where to be found. I called Kristy and told her we'd be looking at another place. Well, we found a Philly Steak Sandwich place and decided to go there as it was right around the corner...yes, it was a yellow shack with tables outside...we almost didn't stop, but Jason was insistent. We called Kristy and gave her direction. She followed them (we had to call her again as I gave her wrong info), and finally made it...we had warned her that it was just a shack, but she wanted to join us anyways. Well, when she saw on the sign that there were Tastykakes she was very happy. We all ordered and Dan was torn between which Tastykakes to buy...I made his decision easy and told him to get one of each (hey, I don't like them and won't eat them!). He also got Birchbeeer to drink and then he bought 'Scrapple' which is some kind of lunch meat he doesn't particular like, but got anyways! Yes, the sandwich wasn't bad and Dan and Kristy really thought they liked it very much and it was comparable to the real thing they said. So I wanted to post our adventure and here is the link to the homepage.
Oct 1, 2009
Rhowdie at work again!
This time Rhowdie monster thought he ought to have a go at a Possum! Well, Dan got both dogs in (how he always figures out something happened I don't know!), then he went out to take care of it. IT was still breathing. So Dan came back inside and turned the lights off. He went out looking for the Possum again a while later and it was gone. We left the dogs out and they were quiet. When I went to bed I called them in. Rhowdie, who usually is first at the door and in, wasn't coming and running around behind the pool. Jaeger, who always needs his special invite, was sitting on top of the picnic table and looking into the tree behind the pool (I didn't know he was looking into the tree though, just thought the wind kept riling him up!), you know where I am going with this story, right?! Anyways, Rhowdie did come in, but Jaeger was not inclined to come. So I left him and told Dan. Dan went out there and found the Possum in the tree! Yep, he wasn't smart enough to leave the premises! I sure hope that thing is gone today or Rhowdie will get it! So you can see the Rottweiler sits on the picnic table (picture the elephant who is afraid of the mouse), and Rhowdie defends the yard! Go Rhowdie!!!
Dieses mal hat das Rhowdie Monster es mit einem Opposum aufenommen! Dan hat die Hunde reingelassen (wie er das immer weiss, habe ich keine Ahnung!), dann ist er rausgegangen und wollte das Tier entfernen. Aber das Tier hat immer noch geatmet. Also kam Dan wieder rein und hat das Licht ausgemacht. Spaeter ist er wieder rausgegangen um zu sehen ob es weg war und er konnte es nicht mehr finden. Also haben wir die Hunde wieder rausgelassen und sie haben nicht gebellt. Aber als ich dann ins Bett bin wollte ich sie reinlassen, Rhowdie, wo immer der Erste ist, kam nicht rein sondern rannte hinter dem Pool rum!) dann kam er endlich. Jaeger, der immer eine extra Einladung braucht, sass auf dem picknick Tisch und hat immer in den Baum hinter dem pool geschaut, (aber das wusste ich nicht, dacht es war der Wind in den Baeumen). also habe ich ihn draussen gelassen und Dan bescheid gesagt. Er hat dann den Opposum im Baum gefunden. Der war nicht schlau genug unser Grundstueck zu verlassen. Also jetzt seht ihr mal, der Rottweiler sitzt auf dem Tisch (denke Elefant und Maus) und der Husky verteitigt unser Grund und Boden! Go Rhowdie!!!
Dieses mal hat das Rhowdie Monster es mit einem Opposum aufenommen! Dan hat die Hunde reingelassen (wie er das immer weiss, habe ich keine Ahnung!), dann ist er rausgegangen und wollte das Tier entfernen. Aber das Tier hat immer noch geatmet. Also kam Dan wieder rein und hat das Licht ausgemacht. Spaeter ist er wieder rausgegangen um zu sehen ob es weg war und er konnte es nicht mehr finden. Also haben wir die Hunde wieder rausgelassen und sie haben nicht gebellt. Aber als ich dann ins Bett bin wollte ich sie reinlassen, Rhowdie, wo immer der Erste ist, kam nicht rein sondern rannte hinter dem Pool rum!) dann kam er endlich. Jaeger, der immer eine extra Einladung braucht, sass auf dem picknick Tisch und hat immer in den Baum hinter dem pool geschaut, (aber das wusste ich nicht, dacht es war der Wind in den Baeumen). also habe ich ihn draussen gelassen und Dan bescheid gesagt. Er hat dann den Opposum im Baum gefunden. Der war nicht schlau genug unser Grundstueck zu verlassen. Also jetzt seht ihr mal, der Rottweiler sitzt auf dem Tisch (denke Elefant und Maus) und der Husky verteitigt unser Grund und Boden! Go Rhowdie!!!
Sep 30, 2009
Sep 27, 2009
Sep 23, 2009
Sep 20, 2009
First pages of my Heritage Book (updated 9-22)

My Grandparents on their wedding day, 1933
My grandmother and her parents
And more of my great-grandparentsKarl Jutzi in the stone quarry
Sep 14, 2009
TV: More flooding rains in Central Texas | News for Austin, Texas | Austin News | | KVUE News |Top Stories
Sad that my mom in Germany has to ask me where it is flooding in Texas and I have to go to the Austin news to find it...maybe I ought to watch more TV? But I can't throw the dogs out in this weather and they are the ones in the family room...they took it over! :-)
TV: More flooding rains in Central Texas | News for Austin, Texas | Austin News | | KVUE News |Top Stories
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TV: More flooding rains in Central Texas | News for Austin, Texas | Austin News | | KVUE News |Top Stories
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Aug 31, 2009
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