Oct 15, 2006

What a weekend!

Now, if you think I did anything special, think again! But Tiffany was here on Saturday and we went to eat at Red Robin. Then we went to Pet Smart and bought some fish which Tiffany and Jason had fun with. Well, are shrimp considered fish? 4 for 30cents each was a cheap thrill!

Then on Sunday I cooked a meal and the "kids" got to do some carving!

How about these five pumpkinheads?!

It seems I had a good weekend after all :-)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pumpkins! I'd have Jason make me one, but it wouldn't last long in my neighborhood...

    Last night, I was outside with the dogs in their Special Corner armed with nothing besides a flashlight when a man came walking out of the shadows next to the fence. The dogs went plum NUTS! They wouldn't come when I called them or clapped my hands because they were barking it up over at the fence. About the time I convinced them that the Scary Guy With the Hooded Jacket was not going to kill us and got the dogs to follow me to the back door, the Scary Guy yelled, "Hi, Mrs. Coker!"

    Oh, brother. I've GOT to move.
