Jun 30, 2008


Meine Tante hat Tickets gekauft!

Wir sitzen in der 6. Reihe.

Tiffany und Jason sind auch dabei.

Jun 28, 2008

Friday...work & play

Wie macht man ein Mii???
How do you make a Mii???

(Wii)r boxen mal zusammen...
(Wii) box together

Aber alleine macht's mehr spass.
But allone it's more fun.

Und es klappt...ich kann's.
And it works...I can do it.

Habe die Bronze Medaille.
I have the bronze medal.

Dan und mein Papa reissen die alte Tuere raus.
Dan and my Dad rip out the old door.

Den Hunden gefaellt die offene Tuer!
The dogs like the open door!

Lion spielt und Oma passt auf.
Lion plays while Oma watches.

Die armen Hunde werden eingesperrt.
The poor Dogs all locked up.

Papa immer noch am arbeiten.
Dad still at work.

Die neue Tuer passt!
The new door fits!

Den Hunden gefaellt es den ganzen Tag im Haus zu sein.
The dogs like to be in the house all day.

Die Tuere oeffnet sich auch gut.
The door opens up well.

Lion und Opa beim Baden.
Lion and Opa in the pool.

Lion hat spass bem Wii!!!
Lion loves the Wii!!!

Jun 26, 2008

Adventure in Bedford!

So we picked them up in Dallas...Lion, my dad and my mom

Then we drove towards Ft. Worth and this car...

....hit this car (ours) after it was hit by another car.

Then we had the cop take a picture with Lion

Then he put Lion into the back of the cruiser, but we got him back!

Jun 18, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Just got this in my email inbox...

...and thought this might be fun for some of you to do. So here we are, link to this http://www.howmanyofme.com/ and then type in your name and see.

There are 10 of me in the United States!!! Can you imagine, and Dan thinks one of me is too many :-)

If you do it let me know how many of you there are!

Jun 16, 2008

Wii Update - and Father's Day

Here we go, I am playing Wii and Dan is playing with the dogs. Oh, one dog, the other pretends he's asleep.
At least when I take Dan's shot they look like he's doing something, and I take video and put it up on YouTube, well, it looks as I am just standing there and not doing anything...oh, well...Wii is hard work :-)Father's Day Dan got a shirt and Sandals, that is after he bought himself a Wii :-) and I even baked him a cake, he wanted Sour Cream Coffee Cake Luckily I found the recipe, and then I forgot the eggs!!! but he doesn't know...until he reads this!