Jun 16, 2008

Wii Update - and Father's Day

Here we go, I am playing Wii and Dan is playing with the dogs. Oh, one dog, the other pretends he's asleep.
At least when I take Dan's shot they look like he's doing something, and I take video and put it up on YouTube, well, it looks as I am just standing there and not doing anything...oh, well...Wii is hard work :-)Father's Day Dan got a shirt and Sandals, that is after he bought himself a Wii :-) and I even baked him a cake, he wanted Sour Cream Coffee Cake Luckily I found the recipe, and then I forgot the eggs!!! but he doesn't know...until he reads this!


  1. Happy Father's Day, Dan! Don't Wii yourself out...

  2. Check is in the mail.

    Get that cool part installed on that hot car! (Actually, it may help cool your car, now that I think about the time of year...)
