So, Dan has been looking high and low for a Wii as I wanted one, they weren't to be found anywhere. We checked just about everywhere in Abilene. (They do sell like Hot Cakes on eBay!) We always were told that they will come in a UPS truck and the stores have no idea when they were getting any, just check back and maybe we'll have one. Well, today Dan went to Best Buy and checked, right after 4 when the UPS delivered. And look at that...they had a display with holes already in it and two were picked up while Dan was standing there looking at what he was buying. Well, he came home and didn't even tell me he had one. Just let me keep wanting! After our company left and I was going on the computer

again in search of that elusive Wii, here he comes in with one in his hand!!! HE GOT ONE!!! So, while dinner was cooking we unpacked it and set it up. Read instructions while eating and then we went at do you think he would have let me have a turn??? We did both play for a little bit. But then he started boxing (we only have one Nunchuck) and then he just kept going on on his charade! After a few games I finally decided that that was enough. After all, he was the one making fun of me because that is what I wanted, and he didn't even know what all that thing can do! So, after I went into a sulking moment (hah, my mom will love that one), we ended up golfing, I don't care for golfing, but guess what, it is kind of fun to do, even though I was worse then Dan, but only because I told him what all the other little things on the screen were about. So then we take a "Fitness test" well...I can't play baseball!!! Never have played it in my life, here I am at bat! Bowling...that is a disaster as well, my balls bounce in real life just as they do on that darn game :-) And don't even get me started on Tennis, and I did actually took some lessons. Now, I wasn't all that bad and did hit more then half of the 50 balls. Also, Dan got to watch me and then he played later! I came up to a fitness level of 80 years...hey, no more cleaning house for me :-) Dan's said 52, then something dropped from the sky, moved that number out of the way and made him 64!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you should have seen his face then!!! It was so funny and I had a good laugh!
So, here is Dan having fun playing Tennis agains the computer...not me, but we have played against each other before!
Best of three (Well, guess who did not win... :-()
So, is it fun having a Wii in the house? So far yes, I just have to get that 80 down to something more managable, on the other hand, I can use this to not have to do anything else ever again, as when someone is that old they don't have to do anything but enjoy live...right? Well, it was worse a try LOL!
More on this tomorrow. Have to go to sleep now, we're all done for tonight...and I'm taking the dogs for a walk at Red Bud early...8 am...where is my coffee???
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