Jun 14, 2008

Saturday Morning walk

Kristy made us walk this morning. So I got the dogs up at 7 and fed, then I made Dan get up and have breakfast (fed). Got the water and snacks ready and we were off by 8:15 to Redbud Park. Did our mile and watched the Prairie Dogs, which we really have to watch Rhowdie with as he, twice, tried to jump over the brick divider. Poor dog got pulled back each time, that must have hurt.

At home, Jaeger decided that he will stay in the car and he wouldn't come out until I had snacks in my hand...what a dog!!!

MayBee drinks from the bottle...

...so does Jaeger!

It is fun to throw the snacks in the yard and let the dogs find them. Jaeger catches on a lot quicker then Rhowdie does.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! (WAY more fun than walking *virtual* pets on a Wii...)

    It's a good thing your videos don't have "Smellovision" because May Bee and I were a bit whiffy after this morning's HOT walk!
