Nov 18, 2007

Dan, Jason and the Dogs :-)

Jason and the Dogs on the picnic table. Poor Jaeger had to share his Throne with the other, the question is - did they jump up or did they get handed up?!
Jason, who spoils Maggi now ?


  1. I've been enjoying your blog this morning, seeing the pictures of sweet holiday family reunions, quiet stolen moments to do needlework or snuggle a dog, and then I took a second look at the first picture on this day's post. I encourage everyone to click on it, which enlarges the image. What's up with Maggie's eyes??? Did she EAT THE SUN???

    Such a funny picture of such a pretty dog!

  2. Karen means the first picture of Maggie in Jason's lap! It's hilarious! (Karen and I were looking at this in a darkened room, with just our Christmas tree for light in a far corner. When Maggie's eyes filled Karen's computer screen, we got the giggles and COULD NOT STOP laughing, especially after Karen's "eat the sun" comment!)
