Nov 4, 2007

Saturday evening snacks

After a day at the 'Range' taking our class to shoot...we finally get to relax at home with some snacks and a movie! What a great day we had and all of us passed the tests!
Shooting I was to worst...but written test I was the best
(even beating out my son who only brought home A's and B's :-)...I love it!!!)
Pictures from shooting will have to be posted later, they are on Dan's I really didn't take a camera along...see I can do without and then everyone asks where are the pictures!
Go figure!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! Although your food & wine looks WAY more delicious than the apple I ate in the bed of a pickup at the drive-in movie, I'll still pick the drive-in...and leaving early to go GET SOME SLEEP!!!!

    I'm pooped. This is gonna' be a long week, with the Michigan trip at the END of it!
