Jan 28, 2008

Moving pictures...

...yeah, not that moving, but the physical take the furniture and work hard kind of moving :-)

Dan is hard packing up. We still had time for pictures. Once we started moving all down the stairs and into the van, there was no time for pictures...darn...should have made the time...but everything went to quick.

We did have lunch time, and that was when Dan took out the camera again to take some pics...nothing better then to show that we did give a break time :-)

Kel, Kevin and Frances helped James, Dan , Jason and me tremendously. I think we would still be packing up!

Now the storage unit is full to the brim and Jason still has a box or two to put away. We'll see how he'll accomplish that one...it's all up to him to finish that.

And then we get to start all over in reverse when they have a place down south...oh, we might have to be on vacation then....how can we really work on that one? :-)

Almost empty apartment...wow, it is big when all the 'stuff' is out of here!

Jason's bed for the next few nights...sleep tight -

1 comment:

  1. Thanks guys, I really appreciated everything!!! :)

    I couldn't ever do anything without you guys!!!!
