Jul 19, 2006

Sachsen and Thüringen

Well, today was hard going. We are so tired. Luckily my dad was driving today.
We went to Sachsen - Schönburg - where my father is from and my grandparents still live. We stopped at a roadside stand for a Thüringer Bratwurst - mmmh, so good, especially with a cold beer!

Then we went to a butcher store and ordered the Thüringer which we were going to pick up on the way home! Then on to my grandparents house. With a stop at a roadside memorial to Herzog von Braunschweig (1806).
We then took a walk to the overlook, 5 min. from the grandparents house, and took some pictures. From here we have a good look to the castle and Naumburg, the next bigger city and the Saale river. Dan, Jason & Tiffany decided they< wanted to go down to the river. I pointed out the shortcut and told them how to get back, then they were on their own and I went back to the house and waited for their return. We said our good-bys and were on the way.

My dad asked if we wanted to check out the castle, we did, and we did! The tower was open also and J&T took a walk up there also. Then we had a drink and went back to pick up the bratwurst and start the long way home! At the butcher store we had to buy some pastry and rolls and eat them also. At the old border we stopped and had a coffee. Just couldn't drive any more.

The next three days we get to kind of rest. Tomorrow I'll be busy helping my mom get ready for the celebration on Friday for their 50th Anniversary, and Saturday we will just be at home, or maybe we'll get to go some shopping and Sunday we are looking on flying to Berlin for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Macht ihr auch was ausser essen? Seid ja fast so schlimm wie die ... du weisst schon.
