Jul 24, 2006

Shopping time!

Well, we just need to start going shopping...so, today I went to buy shoes. Guess I'll need to take Jason and Tiffany and Dan there tomorrow also. Thez really had a good sale going on.
Then, after lunch, when all were finally awake, we went to the town of Neu Isenburg to go to the shopping center. We walked around for a bit and had a snack at the Nordsee restaurant. (Fish)
After coming home we had dinner, more fish, and then we walked to the Ice cream Parlor for ice cream.
This one is called Frikadellen Ice Cream

And all day long we kept sweating, sweating, sweating...
Tomorrow we are thinking of going to the pool for a few hours with my nephews, Rick (2 yrs.), Lion (7 yrs.), and Ronny (22 yrs.), I don't know about Daniel, he might have to work! And then we have to go to the grocery store as both, Tiffany and I, have to buy some food. Too bad we can't take everything back to the states! And we really can't buy chocolate this time as it is way to hot around here and probably in the States also.
Well, I will try to upload some more pictures, one camera is easier to do then the other, so that is the one I'm using, but the other has more pictures on it. So, I'll have to see when I have time to upload them.

It's time for bed again too...the time is going by way to fast...what a bummer. Not only the hours in the day, but also the day's themselves. We'll be leaving on Friday and have yet to drive along the Rhein! That will happen on Wednesday, as we do need to go shopping too...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! It sounds like the party was a HUGE success. And to think, poor Sandra is home having dental work...bless her heart.

    Have fun and try to stay cool,
