Maggie and Jaeger and Tiffany and Jason
The future family!
Have the get the dogs together once in a while :-)
I know, I used to be young and cute, now I'm only cute :-)
And my bushes are blooming so nicely again too. Hopefully they will keep it up. There are many more closed buds that should have opened this week. We'll see what will happen.
And... Happy Birthday, Little Brother!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zu Deinem Geburtstag!
Yes, I used to hold him when he was small and undementing (Demented, Demanding whatever)!
Now he is taller then me and very dementing! Well, we love him anyways!
P.S. If you check my sister's blog and find the slideshow of me slapping my older brother, this is the same day :-) See, I can be nice!
And more snow pictures that I just took this afternoon! See my pink flowering bushes? :-(
And Ugly Front Yard!
Neighbors car all snowed in :-)