Apr 24, 2007

The New Texas Assesment Test

As we just finished the TAKS last week, and yes, I was involved as we had students in the library every day and Kristy and I got to help out :-) (oh, check tomorrows 'Wordless Wednesday')!!!

Here is something my good friend from Okinawa send me last week, you might like to read it and get a chuckle out of it, as there are a view School systems that are trying to get away with the State Mandated testing at this time.

Have fun and enjoy this short read, and come back tomorrow for more :-)

The New Texas Assesment Test


"Since the average life of previous statewide tests (TABS, TEAMS, TAAS, and now TAKS) has been five years, it is not too early to plan for the next test. The new instrument will be the Texas Assessment of Cognitive Operations (TACO). It will have a remedial version (Soft TACO), a regular version (Hard TACO), and an advanced version with many more pages (the Gordita.) It will be graded on a normal curve (the TACO Bell).
Districts receiving the lowest scores will be put on probation with a Basic Educational Appraisal-Not Satisfactory (BEANS). A second low rating earns the dreaded Supplement Remediation Factor for Individualized Education Deficits (REFRIED BEANS). This rating will cause a lot of hot air at campus faculty meetings."


  1. Ugh. Testing.

    Looking forward to next spring's TACO, though! Time to shake things up.

