Jul 17, 2007

The Cake...in Stages :-)

The beginning of a wedding cake :-)
DecoratingA few chocolate covered strawberries :-) No pictures of the making or the 'Frosted Grapes'.
Working hard to get it ready by 3:30 on Friday!
Saturday morning 8:30 a.m. - get it done and get dressed for church by 10 a.m.!!!
Lion took plenty of pictures for me to show off the cake :-)
The fruit needs to be added!
My mom and Dan came along to help also...
...and I needed all the help on the top layer!
Adding the fruit - chocolate covered strawberries on the Butter Vanilla Layers, and frosted grapes on the chocolate fudge layers, mmmmhhhh!
Yes, a close up of the grapes!
And, voila, here it is...will it last for the reception?
At the Reception
Cutting the Cake


  1. Amazing. And yummy, too! (Had to go to the ADVANCED aerobics class on Monday to try to work some of those calories off.)

  2. Totally yummy! :P

    Just what I wanted, a cake taller than me!

    Thanks Mom!

