May 31, 2008

Finally the Gardener shows up!!!

So the Gardener was here! What a relief :-)
Got my brother to help with the garden work and look it works.
All the bush's got trimmed, no not the humans, just the plants! All that vine pulled and all the trimmings have been taken away.

Hey, I did help...have the blisters to show. Just no body ever takes pictures when I work :-)
Then we went shopping, stopped at Blockbuster for some movies...watched The other side of Jericho, made dinner -BBQ ribs & Shrimp Scampi - now Dirk is packing and we'll watch the next movie! What a life :-)
Three movies no need to rent...wait for them on TV, or they are already on TV??? The other side of Jericho; 3:10 to Yuma; and The Flock!

1 comment:

  1. Good grief! You have TWO men working on your yard?

    I mowed the grass today...yes, with the rotary blade mower (all muscle, baby!)...and I'm pooped. And that was only the back yard.

    Weed whacking will have to wait for tomorrow...

