May 17, 2008

How did I spend my Saturday?

Listen to a book on tape, then head on to get a pedicure :-)
Then on to Starbucks for a coffee...try out the new iced coffee!
After a rest at home it's off to the Grand Opening of the James Avery Store (Dan didn't get lunch so he had to come along and have some refreshments here), and then on to brave WalMart or we won't have anything for dinner and lunch tomorrow :-)
Back at home I made a chocolate cake (new recipe, it's baking now) and back to listen to my book before the check out expires! I'll let you know tomorrow how the cake turned out...maybe with a picture to make you hungry!


  1. Good grief! I'm Whitey O'Pale!

    The coffee was amazing, btw...and I've been wearing the new orange yoga sandals for an hour now, and they're GREAT!

    See you later,

  2. Oh, and I figured out where to put the cute charms! If you haven't already found it, look for the loop of thread on the side where the little sunburst thingy is...
