May 7, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Okay, this time I am making fun of myself...I can do that sometimes too :-)

    We have been having way too much fun at work lately. But all for a good cause. We were fundraising and took every opportunity, as you can see.

    So, the one picture is from the Mexican Fiesta we had and Kristy and I were taking pictures. As it was a little slow I decided to put all the sombreros, and the flower thingys on my head. Of course I should have known that Kristy will take a picture, so I was a good sport and put the sign up also. Hey, we did have fun and made a bit of money. The pictures of the kids turned out great also!
    The second picture is from the faculty/student basketball already read about that also...and if you couldn't find me in the video or the picture, you can find me now...I hope! Dan took that picture of me :-) Hey the kids had fun but the teachers won the game by a big margin (Hey, I wouldn't run into a teacher either, especially if some of them were women! Poor kids!)

  2. So.... Kristy owes you a Dollar? :P
